With the week winding down and the mounds of news that has come about this week, it has a lot of us wondering what is coming up next. It would be nice to see a comparison chart of websites traffic last week in comparison to the beginning week of the last month. If your like most of us on the net you kind of spent so much time during the week on the net that you are catching up on life this week end. So here are a few tips on taking the wind down time and still be productive.
1. Get away from the desktop or notebook and use your smart phone for a little while. Most of the web will be slow paced this weekend so catch up on the reason you need the device. Look through emails, take some pics of what interest you, catch up with some friends and family, or browse the web.
2. Tweak your methods of productivity. Go through your planner and layout the next week in order. Look for gaps to throw in some free time. Organize files or bills and sift through old ones that can be archived or thrown out. Same can apply to your computer. If your are like me so much info was gathered this week such as images, snippets of text, and articles that I had to go through and keep what I wanted and toss what was not needed.
3. Recap your week in a journal or a personal blog. Write about what was interesting to you last week. Some people don't acknowledge that a journal can be just a few jots of thoughts. So if you don't have a journal look into starting one. Its a great tool to keep up with what interesting facts you come across.
4. Except your down time and use it to the fullest extent. Take this time to actually relax. Enjoy family or enjoy a quiet place you can kick back. Take a nap, go jogging, or anything the gets you in a state of mind of peace.
5. Use your evenings to mingle or party. Try to make a new acquaintance this weekend. Polish up your people skills. If your not the type of person that goes out then look for someone online the has common interests. Look through communities on social networks. See what others did during their week. If they are not the tech savvy type of person like yourself then you found someone who you can explain all the news you gathered this week and maybe get them interest in something they would have not know about or would have found out about much later. One thing I find is people come to me and ask about something they just heard about. Questions on what is all the hype about a product, how can they use it, or should they consider using a product over something they already have. Make all that hard work account for something.
So there you have it. Now go use the advice and enjoy yourself. Stop reading and get some rest. Now to practice what I preach....
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